Advice and help with financial matters

If you start to experience financial difficulties during your course please contact the Head of Academic Office in the first instance. This should be done as soon as is practical so that you can be made aware of your options and directed towards other sources of help and support where possible.

Finding alternative funding is not always straightforward, but investing your time in researching organisations/charities that could support you and writing bespoke letters requesting support will be time much better spent than if you simply send off a single generic letter to a number of organisations. The University’s Graduate Funding office has more advice about making a tailored request on its Other funding sources page. You can also access the Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding, a database of funding opportunities and advice on applying from this page, at no charge.

The College sometimes offers employment to students; opportunities are advertised on the vacancies page. Any employment during study must adhere to the University’s Paid work guidelines, which the College has adopted. These can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. International students with a UK visa must ensure they do not exceed the maximum number of working hours specified in their visa.

The College is able to offer small financial assistance loans and can support applications to the University Hardship Fund. This fund has multiple restrictions and you are advised to read the eligibility criteria carefully before spending time writing an application. Further details can be found on the financial assistance for students page.