Oxford-Myanmar Policy Brief Series Volume 1.1: August 2016

Myanmar’s new government faces a variety of challenges on its path to securing democracy, federalism, security, and equality for all of its people. The Oxford-Myanmar Policy Brief Series was created as an effort to contribute to domestic policy-makers’ work addressing these many challenges.

This page gives access to the briefs produced after the first workshop in the series. Held on 15 February, 2016, it was entitled “Towards Democracy and Reconciliation: Challenges Facing Myanmar’s Incoming Government.” Co-organised by Dr Ma Khin Mar Mar Kyi and Dr Matthew J Walton, and co-sponsored by the Programme on Modern Burmese Studies at St Antony’s College and the International Gender Studies Centre at Lady Margaret Hall, the workshop brought together over a dozen UK experts on Myanmar, drawn from academic, advocacy, and activist communities. Presenters focused on the challenges facing the new NLD-led government, identifying key stakeholders, persistent and emerging impediments, and potential policy responses. Subjects considered included military legacies, governance concerns, social issues, land and resource management, and conflict and displacement.

Volume 1.1: August 2016

Download the full collection of briefs here. (All files include both English and Myanmar language versions.)

Table of Contents

Political Inclusion: Ethnic Parties and Politicians, by Richard Dolan

Land, by Reshmi Banerjee

Rule of Law, by Zunetta Herbert

Elections in Myanmar: Lessons Learnt from the 2015 General Elections and Recommendations, by Carine Jaquet

Myanmar’s Energy Challenge: Drivers, Outlook and Policy Options, by Julian KirchherrJean-Philippe Denruyter, and Shoon So Oo

Gender Policy, by Khin Mar Mar Kyi

Education Challenges for Myanmar’s new NLD Government, by Marie Lall

Myanmar: Displacement and the Peace Process, by Kirsten McConnachie

Sustainable Development: Engaging Communities in Participatory Decision‑making, by Rowan Ryrie

The Peace Process and National Political Dialogue, by Alan Smith

Religious Discrimination and Religious Conflict, by Matthew J Walton