Commander Douglas A Robb

US Navy Hudson Visiting Fellow

Commander Robb is the Academic Year 2023-2024 U.S. Navy Hudson Fellow at St. Antony’s College and a visiting research fellow in the Changing Character of War Centre at Pembroke College.

He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and holds Master of Arts degrees in National Security Studies from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and the U.S. Naval War College (all with distinction).  He also attended the Joint Forces Staff College.

Robb’s operational assignments have been in Pacific fleet-based guided missile destroyers, culminating most recently as commanding officer of USS Spruance (DDG 111), homeported in San Diego, California.

Previous staff assignments in Washington, DC include liaison to the U.S. House of Representatives in the Navy’s Office of Legislative Affairs; Tomahawk Missile and Surface Strike section head in the Navy Staff’s Surface Warfare Division (OPNAV N96); and speechwriter for the Chief of Naval Operations.

In addition to personal decorations and campaign ribbons, Robb received the Navy League’s Stephen Decatur Award for Operational Competence and the War College President’s Honor Graduate Award.  He served as an elected member of the Surface Navy Association national board of directors and co-authored Naval Officer’s Guide to the Pentagon (U.S. Naval Institute Press).