Dr Alienor Ballange

Deakin Visiting Fellow


Aliénor Ballangé is a postdoctoral researcher in political theory. She has been invited to St Antony’s College as “Deakin Fellow” (2023-2024). Before this position, she researched at the Goethe University of Frankfurt in Prof. Rainer Forst’s team (2020-2023). There she worked on democratic theory and participated in the project “ConTrust: Trust in Conflict”. She also worked at Sciences Po Bordeaux (2018-2020) and Sciences Po Paris (2017-2018), where she defended a thesis on the intellectual origins of the European Community’s democratic integration project. Her research articulates European studies, democratic theory, and critical theory to renew studies on the crisis of representative democracy in the EU. Her main outputs have been published in Res PublicaFrench Politics and Politique européenne. She also published the manuscript of her thesis at Editions de la Sorbonne under the title La Démocratie Communautaire. Généalogie critique de l’Union européenne (2022).