Antonian High Table & Guest Night Dinner Booking
Alumni are invited to attend either one complimentary High Table or Guest Night Dinner each academic year.
High Table Dinners are held on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Guest Night Dinners on Mondays during term time (with the exception of Hall closure).
Places must be booked (and paid for, where applicable) in line with the following deadlines:
- For Monday Guest Night Dinner: book by 12:00 on the Wednesday before
- For Tuesday High Table Dinner: book by 12:00 on the Thursday before
- For Friday High Table Dinner: book by 12:00 on the Wednesday before
Further details on the University’s Dates of Term
To make a booking, please complete the form below (if attending as a group, you will need to make a separate booking for each Antonian).
Antonians are welcome to bring a guest, but please note that places are limited and all guests must be over the age of 18. If you wish to bring a guest, a payment of £74* will be required at the time of your booking.
*The price includes a non-refundable transaction fee, which covers the cost of processing your booking. Any modest surplus incurred would be directed to the College’s Greatest Need Fund.
Timing and Etiquette
- Pre-Dinner Drinks take place at 6.45pm in the Senior Common Room (SCR) on the second floor of the Hilda Besse Building. Dinner is served at 7.30pm in the Wahba Dining Hall.
- The normal dress code is jacket and tie or equivalent, and hosts are asked to inform their guest(s) of this.
- The College grace is spoken at the start and end. At the beginning of the meal, the grace is “Benedictus benedicat” and at the end of the meal it is “Benedicto benedicatur”.
- Please note that High Table Dinners/ Guest Night Dinners may be cancelled if fewer than eight people sign up.
Guest Nights are slightly less formal than High Tables; typically, there is no seating plan and no second dessert.
Please read the College’s Code of Conduct, and confirm, by checking the relevant tick box in the booking form, that you have read and will abide by the Code.
Accommodation and Parking
St Antony’s is unable to offer on-site accommodation (or parking) during term time, but we hope that the Oxford Alumni website might be helpful with finding suitable accommodation in Oxford.