New article by Archie Brown on the Scottish Enlightenment and the Father of Russian Jurisprudence

This new article draws on digitised archival sources to cast additional light on the Scottish education of Desnitskii and his colleague Ivan Tret’iakov – on the professors with whom they interacted, the lectures they attended, and the books they read.

Emeritus Fellow Professor Archie Brown has published (online from 7 December 2023) a 55-page article – on an eighteenth-century topic – in Canadian-American Slavic Studies. It is available on Open Access:

Brown, A. (2023). The Scottish Enlightenment and the Father of Russian Jurisprudence: The Impact of Adam Smith, John Millar and Glasgow University on Semyon Efimovich Desnitskii (c. 1740–1789). Canadian-American Slavic Studies58(1-2), 11-66.

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