Dr Tim Vlandas

Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy



Dr Tim Vlandas (PhD, LSE) is Governing Body Fellow at St Antony’s College, Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, and associate member of Nuffield College, all at the University of Oxford. He has held visiting posts at Sciences Po Paris, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the European Trade Union Institute. He has been awarded prizes for his teaching and research, for instance from the University of Reading, LSE, the European Network for Social Policy Analysis and the American Political Science Association.

He is interested in the relationship between electoral politics, public policies and economic outcomes. He has published over forty outputs in a wide range of academic outlets, including Basic Income Studies, Comparative European Politics, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Industrial Relations, European Political Science, European Political Science Review, French Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, Nations&Nationalism, Political Science Research and Methods, Political Research Exchange, Politics&Society, Review of European Economic Policy, Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio), Social Policy and Administration, Socio-Economic Review, Swiss Political Science Review, West European Politics, and Work, Employment and Society. His research has been cited by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Labour Organisation, United Nations, World Bank, European Commission, Royal Society of Arts, House of Commons International Trade Committee, CNN and the Telegraph, among others.

His latest book Foreign States in Domestic Markets has just been published by Oxford University Press. It analyses western policies towards Sovereign Wealth Funds to develop the concept of ‘internationalised statism’, where governments welcome the use of foreign state investments to govern their domestic economies. The research from this book formed the basis for the evidence he provided to the International Trade Committee at the House of Commons.

For more information about Tim’s background and research, please visit his website, his research gate page and his google citations page.