Adrian Fu

Foundation Fellow

Adrian H C Fu is the Chief Executive of the family-owned Hong Kong based real estate and asset management KHI Holdings.  Fu was a board member of HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA from 2006 until 2010 and prior to 2008 he was an independent director of Hong Kong listed ABC Communications (Holdings) Limited.

In 2007, Adrian founded the Fu Tak Laim Foundation in the hope to pass on his grandfather’s legacy of giving to future generations.  To achieve its mission, the Foundation supports impactful projects of non-profits in Hong Kong, China and Macau.  The work of the Foundation focusses on two values: eliminating social injustice and prejudice through education, and improving the quality of life for those who are deprived.  For Adrian, the foundation is “the most meaningful interpretation of his father’s love and respect for his grandfather” as well as “an effective tool to communicate our family history to future generations.”

In January 2019, Adrian Fu published a biography of his grandfather, Fu Tak Iam, whose company held the gambling franchise in Macao between 1937 and 1961, and who laid the foundation for his family’s business empire today.