Fellowship on Greek Studies


Lamprini Rori is a Lecturer in Politics at the University of Exeter. She was the Leventis Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at SEEOX, St Antony’s St Antony’s College 2016-17 and a Marie Curie (Intra-European) Fellow at Bournemouth University. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her thesis examined how the professionalization of political communication affected the organizational change of socialist parties in Europe and most particularly in France and Greece from mid-1970s to 2012. She also holds a BA in International and European Studies from the University of Macedonia, an MA in Political Sociology and Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris and an MA in Political and Social Communications from Paris I University. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the Hellenic Observatory LSE grant “Low-intensity violence in crisis-ridden Greece. Evidence from the radical right and the radical left”, Early Career Fellow at the British School at Athens and Press Officer of the Greek Politics Specialist Group of the PSA. Her research focuses on radicalisation, the European far-right, radicalism and extremism in Greece, the role of emotions in political behaviour, mass media effects and the dynamics of political networks in social media. She has worked for research projects on political behaviour in crisis-ridden Greece and the Greek diaspora. Lamprini offers courses on comparative politics, political psychology of the masses, political sociology, research methods and design. Before joining academia, she was a political communications expert, drawing her experience form both the French private sector (Agence Verte, Paris) and the Greek government (General Secretary for Press and Mass Media, Cabinet of the Minister for Citizen Protection & the Minister for Regional Competitiveness and Development). She has published extensively on Greek elections and parties, the European far-right and the rise of right-wing extremism. Her articles appear, among others, in Electoral StudiesParty PoliticsWest European PoliticsPôle Sud.

Kostis Karpozilos was A.G. Leventis Fellow at SEESOX, St Antony’s College 2015-16. He earned a degree in Modern Greek Literature at the University of Thessaloniki (2002), completed an M.A. in Historical Research at the University of Sheffield (2003) and a Ph.D. in History at the University of Crete (2010). His thesis focused on revolutionary diasporas in the United States and the trajectory of Greek-American radicalism in the 20th century. He is the scriptwriter of the documentary Greek-American Radicals: the Untold Story (2013), the author of a book on the Cretan socialist intellectual Stavros Kallergis (Benaki Museum, 2013), and he has a forthcoming book titled “Revolutionary Diaspora”. Kostis was a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University and Princeton University and has taught at the University of the Peloponnese, and at Sciences Po. He has written extensively on the Greek crisis, the European Left and the limits of political imagination in the post-1989 world and currently he is working on an international history of the Greek Left.

Dr. Eirini Karamouzi was the 2014-2015 SEESOX A.G. Leventis Fellow.  Eirini has an MSc in European Politics and Governance and a PhD in International History, both from LSE. She has held a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence and a Pinto Postdoctoral fellowship at LSE IDEAS. Before moving to Oxford in 2014, she was a one-year Lecturer of European Studies and History at Yale University. Her main research interests lie in the history of European integration and the Cold War. Her monograph Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974-1979. The Second Enlargement reveals the rationale behind Europe’s decision to accept Greece in its circle and details the dynamics of the accession negotiations in the evolving environment of detente and the rise of the Left in Southern Europe. She is deeply interested in the contemporary history of the Balkans and she co – edited a volume on the Balkans in the Cold War published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2015 that examines the political, economic, strategic, ideological and cultural affairs in the Balkans from the Second World War until the end of the Cold War (1945-1989).

Tryfon BampilisA.G. was the A.G. Leventis Visiting Fellow 2013-14. Tryfon  holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Leiden. He studied Social Anthropology and Social Policy in Panteion University in Athens and he obtained a Master in Science in Social Anthropology at UCL. His monograph titled Greek Whisky: The Localization of a Global Commodity (Oxford & New York: Berghahn) examines imported beverages and their relationship to modernness, gender and scale making in contemporary Greece. His research interests include, ethnographic approaches to modernity, material culture, commodities, post-authoritarian Greece and Aegean/Greek ethnography. He has been publishing on the anthropology of consumption and material culture and he is currently researching the rise of far-right in Greece in relation to migration and the current economic crisis. He has been teaching anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Bayreuth and has served as scientific advisor at the Netherlands Institute at Athens.

Dimitrios Gkintidis, A.G. Leventis Visiting Fellow 2012-13, studied Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki (2003) and Sociology at the University of Strasbourg II Marc Bloch (2004, MA). He received his PhD from the Department of Balkan, Slavic, and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia in 2011, with a specialization in Social Anthropology. His thesis focused on the local public sphere of the Greek border region of Evros and the changing perceptions of politics, economy and culture in the context of national and EU policies. He was 2012/2013 A.G. Leventis Fellow in Contemporary Greek Studies at SEESOX, ESC, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. His current research focuses on the symbolic construction of “European Integration” in Greece over the last 30 years.