Max Hayward Visiting Fellowship
Max Hayward Visiting Fellowship holders 1984 – 2023
- 1984 – 1985 Raymond Cooke: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis entitled ‘The poetic world of Velimir Khlebnikov: an interpretation’
- March 1985 Andrzej Drawicz*: Revised edition of Soviet Literature 1917-1967: Russian Writers (* Dr Drawicz was elected to the Fellowship for a year in December 1981 but was subsequently interned in Poland).
- 1986 – 1987 Riitta Pittman: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis on ‘Mikhail Bulgakov: the theme of evil in Master i Margarita’
- 1989-1990 Stanley Rabinowitz: A study of turn-of-the-century Russian literary journals and their role in the emergence of Symbolism
- 1993 Rosamund Bartlett: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis on ‘Wagner and Russia: a study of the influence of Wagner’s music and ideas on the artistic and cultural life of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1841-1941’
- 1994 – 1995 Craig Brandist: A study of the carnivalesque elements in the prose works of late 1920s and early 1930s Soviet literature
- 1996 – 1997 Svetlana Carsten: Completion of thesis on ‘The generation of the 1960s in Soviet literature’ and preparation for publication
- 1998 – 1999 Barbara Henry: Anti-semitism and anti-theatricality: Yiddish theatre in turn-of-the-century Russia
- 2000 – 2001 Rachel Clogg: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis on ‘Abkhazian cultural identity in the twentieth century: the case of Fazil’ Iskander’.
- 2003 Polly Jones: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis on ‘Strategies of de-mythologisation in post-Stalinism and post-Communism: a comparison of de-Stalinisation and de-Leninisation’
- 2004 – 2005 Polly McMichael: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis on ‘Rock music in Leningrad, 1972-1987’
- 2006 – 2007 Elena Katz: Preparation for publication of manuscript, ‘Neither with Them, Nor without Them. Russian Writers and the Jew at the Age of Realism’.
- 2008 – 2009 Stephanie Solywoda: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis, Internal Visions, External Changes: Russian Religious Philosophy from 1905-1940.
- 2010 – 2011 Oliver Ready: Work on monograph on 1990s prose-writers, for Peter Lang monograph series Russian Transformations: Literature, Culture and Ideas. Dr Ready teaches Russian literature for the Slavonic Sub-Faculty at the University of Oxford, and is a renowned translator of Russian literature. From 2011-2022 he was a Research Fellow at St Antony’s, directing the Russkiy Mir Programme from 2011-2014, and convening many successful cultural events for RESC.
- 2013 – 2014 Uilleam Blacker: Preparation of monograph entitled Ghosts of Others: Urban Postmemory in Russia and Eastern Europe. Dr Blacker is now Associate Professor in Ukrainian and East European Culture at UCL-SSEES.
- 2016 – 2017 Claire Knight: Preparation of monograph Stalin’s Final Films: Soviet Cinema and Stalinism After the War, 1945-53. Dr Knight teaches Russian and Soviet political, social, and cultural history at the University of Bristol, plus methodologies of film analysis at MA level.
- 2019 – 2021 Maria Chehonadskih: Preparation for publication of manuscript entitled ‘The Encyclopaedia of Poor Life: Andrei Platonov’s Philosophical Prose and Alexander Bogdanov’s Tektology’. (NB Dr Chehonadskih’s tenure of the Fellowship was extended due to the Covid pandemic) . Dr Chehonadskih teaches in the Modern Languages and Cultures Department, Queen Mary University of London.
- 2022 – 2023 Darya Tsymbalyuk: Preparation for publication of doctoral thesis, Multispecies ruptures: stories of displacement and human-plant relations from Donbas, Ukraine (a study of experiences of displacement among migrants from war in Donbas, Ukraine, and artistic responses through the medium of human-plant relations). Dr Tsymbalyuk is Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago