Dahrendorf Lecture and Colloquium

The Annual Ralf Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture is delivered by leading thinkers on a subject related to Ralf Dahrendorf’s concerns.

Watch the 2023 Lecture, delivered on April 28 by Professor Timothy Garton Ash on Europe Whole and Free

The 2022 Lecture, was delivered on April 29 by Xiaolu Guo, Novelist and Filmmaker on Dreams and Reflections: A Chinese Artist’s Discovery of Europe

Watch the 2021 Lecture, delivered on April 29 by Professor Catherine de Vries, Bocconi University, on “What do European citizens want the EU to be?”

Watch the 2020 Lecture, delivered on March 6 by Dr Norbert Röttgen, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, German Bundestagon “Germany, Europe and the West”

Watch the 2019 Lecture, delivered on May 3 by Professor Timothy Snyder, Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University on “Europe’s story: Phoenix or phantom?”

The 2018 Lecture was delivered on April 27 by Professor Michael Ignatieff, Rector, Central European University on “The Defence of the  University in Illiberal Times”

Watch the 2017 Lecture, delivered on April 28 by Professor Gesine Schwan, Former SPD Candidate for German President on “Society and Democracy in Germany”

The 2016 Lecture was delivered on May 3 by Professor Robert Post,  Dean of Yale Law School  on “Free Speech in the University”

The 2015 Lecture was delivered on May 1 by Professor Craig Calhoun, then Director of the LSE on “The Dream of a Democratic Public in Britain and Europe”

Watch the 2014 Lecture, delivered on 29 April by Professor Ulrich Beck, University of Munich and LSE on “The Cosmopolitan Outlook: How the European Project can be saved”

Listen to the 2013 Lecture, delivered on 3 May by Professor Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago on “Combining Freedom and Diversity: the challenge of religious difference”

Watch the 2012 Lecture, delivered on 27 April by Professor Ronald Dworkin, New York University on “How Universal is Liberalism?”


Watch the 2011 Lecture which took the form of a panel discussion on 10 June with:

Professor A C Grayling, Birbeck College, London
Dr Usama Hasan, Leyton Mosque and Middlesex University
Mr Charles Moore, Daily Telegraph

on “Is Nothing Sacred? Free Speech and Religion”

Watch the inaugural 2010 Ralf Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture, delivered by Lord (Adair) Turner on “Wellbeing and Inequality in Post-Industrial Society

You can also read the full text of the 2010 Lecture by Lord Turner.