Fellowships on Spanish and Iberian Studies
Santander Fellow, Konstantinos Kometis
Santander Fellow, Cristina Blanco Sio-Lopez
Notable Events
Conference on “Belonging and Displacement” chaired by Cristina Blanco Sio-Lopez
Santander Fellow, Cesar Colino
Notable Events
Santander Conference on “Responses to secessionism in advanced democracies: accommodation instruments, institutional deign and the politics of federal reforms” convened by Cesar Colino
Roundtable Series on “Spanish Democracy at Forty” – ‘What is happening in Catalonia? Is Spain Doomed?’ convened by Cesar Colino. Speakers were Montserrat Guibernau (University of Cambridge), Thomas Jeffrey Miley (University of Cambridge), Ignacio Molina (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Andrew Dowling (Cardiff University).
Santander Fellow, Maria Elena Cavallaro
Basque Visiting Fellow, Joseba Gabilondo
Notable Events
Santander Visiting Fellows Conference on “Model transitions? Rethinking the “success story” of Southern European democratisation”
Basque Visiting Fellows Conference on “Intellectuals and the Limits of the Neoliberal State in Globalisation (Migration, Terrorism, Populism)”
Santander Fellow, Vincent Druliolle
Notable Events
Visiting Fellows Series, Talk on “The Politics of Victimhood in Contemporary Spain” by Vincent Druliolle
Santander Fellow, Francisco Torres
Ikerbasque Fellow, Igor Calzada
Notable Events
Visiting Fellows Series, Talk on “Critical social innovation in the “Smart City” era for a city-regional European horizon 2020” by Igor Calzada
Santander Fellow, Francisco Herreros
Santander Fellow, Diego Muro
Basque Visiting Fellow, Noe Comago
Basque Visiting Fellow, Graham Avery
Notable Events
Visiting Fellows Workshop, Workshop on “Self Healing in Action: The Political Activism of Terror Victims Organisations in Spain and the UK” by Diego Muro
Visiting Fellows Workshop, Workshop on “Plural Diplomacies: Changing Practices, Institutions and Discourses”
Basque Visiting Fellows Workshop on ‘The European External Action Service and the Changing Global Diplomatic System”
Santander Fellow, Jaime Lluch. Dr Lluch was the second Santander Fellow in Iberian and European Studies at the European Studies Centre during 2010–2011. He continued his research and writing on comparative federalism, the politics of multinational democracies, and comparative nationalism studies. He had articles published or accepted during this period in Publius: the Journal of Federalism, European Political Science Review, and Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. He has a forthcoming book entitled Visions of Sovereignty: Varieties of Minority Nationalism in Multinational Democracies (University of Pennsylvania Press). He convened a major international conference at Oxford on 16–17 June, 2011 entitled “The politics of accommodation in multinational democracies”. The participants included both constitutional law experts and comparative politics specialists. Panels were held on ‘Accommodation and Spain’s state of autonomies in 2011’, ‘Substate national movements and the central state’, ’The practice of devolution, autonomy, and federalism’, and ‘Actually-existing autonomies in the contemporary world’. He is now working on an edited volume with Palgrave MacMillan based on the conference papers. He presented papers at the American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting (2010), the Centre for Constitutional Law, School of Law, University of Edinburgh (2011), and the Political Studies Association’s Annual Conference (2011). He also began work on a new research project on ‘Citizenship and transnationality in the European Union and the Americas’.
Santander Fellow, Julio Crespo Maclennan. Dr MacLennan published the book Forjadores de Europa, grandes europeistas y euroescepticos del siglo XX (Destino 2009), which was widely acclaimed both within the academic community and the Spanish public in general. He is also finishing the English version which will be published under the title of Great Europeanists and Eurosceptics in the twentieth century. He wrote a chapter for a major publication in Spanish European studies, Tratado de Derecho y Politicas de la Union Europea (Aranzadi 2009), under the title of “Del ocaso de las potencias europeas al auge de la Europa global”, which analyses the historical antecedents to the present EU. He has also continued with the comparative studies between Spain and Europe and has published an article: “The EU-Turkey Negotiations: Between the Siege of Vienna and the Reconquest of Constantinople” in Constantine Arvanitopolous ed. Turkey’s Accession to the European Union, and unusual candidacy, (Springer, 2009). He has written on a regular basis for the Spanish press, particularly for the dailies ABC and El Imparcial and has continued his activities as member of the editorial board of ABC de Artes y Letras, Spain’s leading cultural supplement. He was one of the coordinators for the conference “Agents of change for the Mediterranean” that took place at the European Studies Centre in Trinity Term and he chaired a panel dedicated to the Spanish and European perspective.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Oscar Alvarez Gila. Dr Alvarez Gila focused his research at Oxfordon the linkages between environmental changes and historical and present-day migration, paying particular attention to the implications for future immigratory movements to the UE. He participated in several scientific meetings in Bakersfield (USA), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Bonn (Germany), Brighton and Oxford, presenting lectures on several social, cultural and environmental aspects of migration. He also convened a workshop at the ESC under the title “Environment and Migration. Insights from a Case Study Approach”, with the participation of Han Entzinger (Rotterdam), Anyl Markandya (Bath) and Dominic Kniveton (Brighton), among others. He wrote the chapter “Environment and Migration: Can the Past Help us Rethinking the Matter?” for the book Migration, Development and Environment: Migration Processes from the Perspective of Environmental Change and Development Approach at the beginning of the 21st Century (Newcastle: CSP, 2008) and has other articles on the same issue accepted at International Migration (Washington DC) and Trialog (Darmstad, Germany). He also directed a book on the Organization, Identity and Image of the Basque Communities Abroad (16th-21st Centuries), that will be published by the University of the Basque Country.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Jurgi Kintana
Notable Events
Visiting Fellows Workshop, Workshop on “Welsh and Basque Languages” by Jurgi Kintana
Basque Visiting Fellow, Jon Arrieta. Dr. Arrieta was professor of Legal History at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). During his stay at the European Studies Centre, he looked into the subject of Forms of Union among Kingdoms in the 17th and 18th centuries. His particular research was focused on English and Scottish legal and political materials on this issue.
Notable Events
One-Day Workshop. To finish and culminate his stay, Dr. Arrieta convened a one-day workshop, which took place at the ESC on the 11 March 2006. The session was opened by José Antonio Campos, Minister of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government, after a welcome by Dr Knick Harley, Fellow of the ESC. Sir John Elliott (Regius Professor Emeritus in Modern History) gave an introduction, followed by the presentations and discussions of the papers, developed by several British and Spanish scholars who are prestigious specialists on the workshop’s subject ‘Forms of Union: The British and Spanish Monarchies in the 17th and 18th centuries’. Workshop Programme: Jon Arrieta (University of the Basque Country) ‘Forms of Union: elements for a comparison’; Jenny Wormald (St Hilda’s College) ‘A Union of Hearts and Minds? Scotland and England; 1603’; John Robertson (St Hugh’s College) ‘The conceptual framework of Anglo-Scottish Union’; Pablo Fernández Albaladejo (Autonomous University of Madrid) ‘Union of Souls, Autonomy of Bodies’; Xavier Gil Pujol (University of Barcelona ‘Allegiance and Loyalty in the Spanish Monarchy’; José María Portillo (University of the Basque Country) ‘Biscay in Tlaxcala: How can a Modern History of the Basque Country Make Sense?’; Gregorio Monreal (Public University of Navarre) ‘Navarre in the Spanish Monarchy’. Professor James Casey (University of East Anglia) summarised all the papers and opened the last discussion.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Xabier Arzoz (Lecturer in Administrative Law at the University of the Basque Country)
Notable Events
The central event of the fellowship was a workshop organised with the Basque Studies Society (Eusko Ikaskuntza) during Trinity Term on ‘Respecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union: Improvement or Standstill after the European Constitution’. The workshop took place on 24 and 25 May 2005 at the European Studies Centre with contributions from Patxi Juaristi (University of the Basque Country), François Grin (University of Geneva), Montserrat Guibernau (The Open University), Peter Hilpold (University of Innsbruck), Niamh Nic Shuibhne (University of Edinburgh) and Bruno de Witte (European University Institute). The Basque Fellow presented a paper on ‘The protection of linguistic diversity through Article 22 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union’. The different sessions were chaired by Paul Craig (St John’s College), Katja Ziegler (Institute of European and Comparative Law) and the Basque Fellow.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Xabier Ezeizabarrena.
Notable Events
The central event of the fellowship during this year was a workshop organised with the Basque Studies Society (Eusko Ikaskuntza) during Trinity Term on ‘Sub-State entities and co-sovereignty within the EU’. The event took place on 20 May 2004 at the European Studies Centre (ESC) with contributions from Michael Keating (European University Institute, Florence), Elena Jurado and Josef Karl (Oriel College), Matthew Quinn (Welsh Government), Luc Bas (Flemish Government), Joxerramon Bengoetxea (University of the Basque Country) and the closure of the conference by Miguel Herrero de Miñón (Spanish Council of State and drafter of the Spanish Constitution). The Basque Fellow contributed with a paper on ‘Basque Historical Titles at the EU & comparative approach with the German, Belgium and Austrian cases’. Kalypso Nicolaïdis chaired the morning session while the Basque Fellow did so during the afternoon. Among the audience there were some officials from the Basque Government and some other relevant Sub-State entities. Two outcomes of this event will be the publication of the papers as a book, and a proposal on this issue to be forwarded to the EU constitutional process. The same speakers, with John Loughlin (Cardiff University) and Gurutz Jauregui (University of the Basque Country and first Basque Fellow in Oxford), met again in San Sebastian hosted by the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa on 10 June 2004 to contribute to the 25th Anniversary of the re establishment of democracy in Spain under the topic, ‘Historical Rights and co-sovereignty at the EU’. The Basque Fellow also organised talks on a number of different topics at the ESC. During Michaelmas Term, Professor Alberto Almonacid spoke about ‘Basque as a minority language in the EU’ followed by an open debate. In Hilary Term, Mr Felix Dodds (Stakeholder Forum) gave an overview of the ‘Challenges of Sustainable Development’ with a particular vision of his work at the UN level. In Trinity Term, the Basque Fellowship received a visit from Mr Javier Sáenz de Pipaón (Lawyer of the Bar of Madrid-Universidad Complutense) who spoke about ‘EU cooperation in criminal matters’; and Dr Albert Monroe (Harvard) who spoke ‘The Death penalty in the US system’. Both talks were followed by long and open debates. During Hilary Term Dr Ezeizabarrena was invited to talk at the Taylorian Institution on ‘Basques: an approach to Historical Rights, language and identities’ and at Corpus Christi College for the Environmental Law Group on ‘The “Prestige” shipwreck and the limits of international law’. Outside Oxford, he was invited to Japan (Kagawa University) during Michaelmas Term to speak about ‘The role of the International Court of Environmental Arbitration’and to present the conclusions of the workshop on ‘Co-sovereignty’ held at St Antony’s at a conference organised by the International Institute for the Sociology of Law on the topic ‘The transformation of Europe’ (June, Oñati, Basque Country). In Hilary Term he joined the Basque Government delegation in Cardiff for the Meeting of the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development. During his time in Oxford, Xabier Ezeizabarrena published around 25 articles in Spanish, English and Basque mainly on EU issues, Sub-State entities within the EU, Co-sovereignty, the Basque political and legal situation and Environmental Law. He published also a monograph under the title Los Derechos Históricos de Euskadi y Navarra ante el Derecho Comunitario (Basque Studies Society, with a Foreword by Miguel Herrero de Miñón). A translation of this work into English is to be published soon. He wrote an essay in Spanish on the Basque-Spanish conflict from the legal perspective: ‘La ciaboga infinita’, a travel book ‘A Basque in Oxford’ and a novel ‘Burdinkaia’, all in Spanish.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Santiago Leone. During his fellowship, Dr Leone’s research focused on nineteenth-century foreign (particularly British) travellers’ accounts about the Basque Country.
Notable Events
Dr Leone prepared (together with the anthropologist Jeremy MacClancy, from Oxford Brookes University) a workshop dealing with his research focus. Its title was “Imaging the Basques: Foreign Views on the Basque Country” and it took place at the European Studies Centre on 30th May. Apart from Prof. MacClancy, five other scholars participated in it: Francisco J. Caspistegui, from the Universidad de Navarra; Alex Drace-Francis, from the School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, University College London; Joseba Gabilondo, from the University of Reno, Nevada; Edorta Jimenez, who is a writer; and Coro Rubio, from the Universidad del País Vasco. The paper Dr Leoné presented at the workshop was the result of his research in Oxford.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Ibone Amezaga. Dr. Amezaga worked closely with the Forestry Institute, located in the Department of Plant Sciences, and also attended several lectures and seminars in the relevant departments. Besides pursuing her own research, she concentrated particularly on the conservation, maintenance and enhancement of biodiversity. The main points of her research were explained in a presentation entitled: “Conservation/Maintenance/Restoration of Ecosystems in Forest Management: Bio indicators’, that she presented during the second workshop on Sustainable Forestry called: “Beyond Sustainability’ organised at Trinity College in Oxford by herself and Frank Thompson from the University of Ox ford and the Nature Sciences Section of Eusko Ikaskuntza. (The first one, in 1998, was organised by the Basque Fellow of that year, Dr Miren Onaindia and Frank Thompson and was entitled The sustainable development of forest: aspirations and reality*). The two will be published together, with all the other presentations, in the Naturzale Journal of the Nature Sciences Section of Eusko Ikaskuniza.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Maria Carmen Gallastegui. Prof. Gallastegui, Professor of the University of the Basque Country in the Department of Economic Analysis, was the Basque Visiting Fellow in Hilary and Michaelmas terms. As a Visiting Fellow her research has been mainly centred on the issue of how to make it possible for sub state governments to play a greater role in Europe. She has analysed whether the m proposal of “reaching agreements about some minimum standards for relevant variables and leave diversity to play its role” does make sense in economic terms and could have the m agreement of sub-state entities. Her activities included a seminar at the European Studies Centre on The Europe of Regions: Utopia or Reality? Economic and Political Reflections from the Basque Country’ and a conference at the workshop organised by the Institute of m Historical Law on 15 May in Bilbao. The title of her paper was The New Economic Agreement for the Basque Country: Situation in Europe.’ Other research activities during her Fellowship gave rise to the publication of the article, ‘Los advances en el Análisis Macroeconómico: Panorama y Escuelas’, Boletin de Estudios Económicos, April 2002. Marine Fisheries Review has accepted, with revisions, the publication of the article “Bankruptcy of Fishing Resources: The Northern European Anglerfish Fishery’ written with two co-authors. In April 2002 she participated in a meeting organised by Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources (University of Portsmouth) to work on the European project no QSRS-2001-022277, Development and Application of a Computable Model of General Equilibrium to analyse the contribution of Fisheries and Aquaculture activities to Regional Development’, financed by the European Commission.
Notable Events
ESC Lecture by Jose Maria Aznar on “Reflections on the Future of Europe”
Seminar by Maria Carmen Gallastegui on “The Europe of Regions: Utopia or Reality? Economic and Political Reflections from the Basque Country”
Basque Visiting Fellow, Aitzpea Leizaola. Dr. Leizaola from Université Paris X-Nanterre, was the Basque Visiting Fellow at the College for the academic year 2000-01. As part of the Fellowship, she is the Director of the interdisciplinary course Configuring the New Map of Europe. Borders, Territories and Identities in Conflict’, to be held at the Basque University from 6-8 September 2001, which will bring together scholars from various European Universities. She was invited by the Anthropology Department of University Paris X-Nanterre to lecture on nationality and citizenship in the Basque borderlands on 6 March. She took part in the Basque anthropology workshop on 1 May at Brookes University, where she gave a paper on The demise of international borders? Reification of the border in the Basque Country’. She was invited to give a talk on 8 May at the workshop for postgraduate anthropology students at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Oxford on ‘Anthropology and its borderlands: interdisciplinary and disciplinary practices. She published ‘Mugarik ez! Subverting the border in the Basque Country in Ethnologia Europaea, 30:2 (2000), as well as a chapter ‘Baten faltan bi. Identitate formalak, herritartasuna eta naziogintza’ (Formal identities, citizenship and nation-making’) in the edited book, Burujabetza XXI. Mendean (Sovereignty in the 21st Century), (UEU, Bilbao). She then wrote a paper on border tourism in the Basque Country to be submitted to Ethnologie Française. During her stay in Oxford she has pursued her research on borders with special attention to EU development and issues of citizenship and nationality. As part of her Fellowship, she has carried out research on cartography and national identity with extensive documentation Work at the Bodleian and British Libraries. Her research focused on the use of maps as political symbols, with special attention to the representation of territory, nation narratives and stereotypes, particularly in European maps at the turn of the 19th century and in 20th-century popular culture.
Senior Associate Member, Roman Basurto. Dr. Basurto was our Visiting Basque Fellow in 1987-88, and he returned to the College to continue his research into “The First World War: Spain and the Basque Country”.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Ibon Uribarri. Dr Uribarri was the convenor of a meeting of several Fellows and students on 14 March to discuss the results of the General Election in Spain. He also organised a panel discussion on One World, One Culture? Globalisation and Cultural Diversity’ which was held on 15 May at the European Studies Centre. The discussants were Dr Andrew Hurrell (Nuffield College), Dr Jan Aart Scholte (Warwick University) and Prof. Fahrang Rajee (a former Visiting Iranian Fellow of the College, and now at Carlton University, Ottawa). The meeting was chaired jointly by Dr Uribarri and Dr Sandra Ott. He attended a workshop on Basque Anthropology at Oxford Brookes University on 23 June, and the Ist International Symposium on Basque Cultural Studies at the London Guildhall University on 30 June. He lectured on ‘The Transcendental Concept of Movement’ in German at the 9th International Kant Congress at the Humboldt University Berlin on 30 March. He also lectured on ‘Beyond Structural Representation’ in Spanish at the 3rd Conference on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at the University of the Basque Country San Sebastian on 28 April. During his time in Oxford, Dr Uribarri has carried out research on the possible conditions for an intercultural philosophy. His work has been focused on intercultural relations in the era of globalisation, with particular attention to the ideas of modernity in Japanese thought. He saw the publication of his translation into Basque of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and he has made progress with his translations of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind and of an anthology of C.S. Peirce’s works, both into Basque, and also the translation of Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Gakumon no Susume (An Encouragement of Learning) into Spanish.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Javier Diaz Noci. Dr. Noci from University of the Basque Country, was the Basque Visiting Fellow at the College for the academic year 1998-9. He was a co-organiser of the seminar on ‘Southern Europe, with special reference to the question of national identity’ which was held at the Centre in Hilary Term 1999. He gave a talk to the seminar on 15 February entitled ‘Reflections on Basque identity’, and chaired the talk given by Dr Mikel Urquijo on 8 February on The unsuccessful construction of Spanish national identity and the birth of regional identities, 1808-1998′. In Trinity Term Dr Diaz Noci organised a two-day workshop on the ‘Transmission of Knowledge in the Digital Environment’. The workshop was held at the Department of Continuing Education on 13 and 14 May, and its aim was to bring together scholars from the University of Oxford and from the Basque Studies Society to share some ideas and to exchange scholarly information about the Internet, higher education, publishing, and legal problems relating to these issues. Speakers from Spain included Dr Isabel Hernando (University of the Basque Country); Dr Andoni Alonso (University of Caceres) and Prof. Demetrio Loperena (University of the Basque Country). During his time in Oxford Dr Diaz Noci carried out research into the Internet and ‘intellectual property matters”.
Senior Associate Member, Susana Martinez Monedero. Dr Martinez Monedero organised two talks at the Centre in Trinity Term 1999-On 4 June, Excma STaDA. Ana Palacio spoke on “Spain’s End of the Century: Madame Palacio is an EP and First Vice-President of the Legal Affairs and Citizens’ Rights Committee in the European Parliament. On 18 June, Excro.Sr.D. Juan Jose Lucas gave a talk entitled Las Regiones en el futuro de Europa”. Mr Lucas is the President of Castille and Leon, and Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions of Europe. “Dr Martinez Monedero is a lawyer specialising in European studies. She was also a member of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at Wolfson College.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Miren Askasibar. A landscape consultant, she spent time in Oxford continuing her research project, funded by the Basque Government, on the Evaluation of European Landscape Policies and Legislation.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Miren Onaindia. A lecturer in the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology at the University of Basque Country, she spent two terms in Oxford studying Biodiversity and Forests in Europe at the Forestry Institute, Department of Plant SCiences. Funded by the Basque Government, she directed a research project in 1998 on “Atmospheric Deposition and Canopy Interactions for Conifer and Deciduous Forests in Northern Spain”. She prepared for publication “Biodiversity, Conservation and Exploitation of Forest Resources”, in Proceedings of the Workshop on the Sustainable Development of Forests: aspiration and the reality and published a number of articles on ecological topics.
Senior Associate Member, Blanca Sanchez-Alonso. She published several books and articles on Spanish emigration in the 19th and 20th centuries. During her stay at St Antony’s Dr Sanchez-Alonso was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, and she researched Spanish and Italian emigrations, 1880-1914. She presented papers to the Economic History Workshop held at LSE in October 1997 on “International Labour Mobility in Southern Europe”, and to the Economic History Seminar held at the Centre on “Movers and Stayers: Explaining Spanish Regional Emigration, 1880-1914”. She was invited to deliver a lecture to the course on Migratory Studies and Demographic Analysis at Santiago de Compostela in May 1998, and she also presented a paper at the International Conference on “What slowed Down Mass Migration from Spain in the Late 19th Century”.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Demetrio Loperena Rota.
Senior Associate Member, Fernando Guirao. He was the leader of the research project entitled “Radiografia de un Cambio. La estabilizacion economica en Espana, 1957-1962: Contexto, Naturaleza e Impacto”, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science during 1995-1998. He is the representative to the Groupe de liaison des professeurs d’histoire contemporaine aupres de la Commission europenne, and is a member of the edtiorial board of the Journal of European Integration History. He is the co-author, with Dr. Charles Powell, of “Spain and Europe, 1945-1995”.
Senior Associate Member, Jose Morilla-Critz. He was full Professor in Economic History and Director of the Center for North American Studies at the Universidad de Alcala, Spain. He delviered a lecture on “The broadening of Mediterranean Agriculture as a factor in its crisis, 1850-1950” to the Economic Hstory Seminar organised by James Foreman-Peck, Charles Feinstein, Tim Leunig and Avner Offer.
Notable Events
On 14 November 1996 the Chancellor of the University signed an agreement between the University of Oxford and the Society of Basque Studies to establish a new Visiting Basque Fellowship scheme for at least the next five years. The Fellowship is funded by the autonomous Basque Government. St Antony’s was happy to renew its connections to the Basque Country, since there was a Visiting Basque Fellowship programme in the College in the second half of the 1980s. Demetrio Loperena Rota from the University of Basque Country, San Sebastian, is a specialist in environmental law.
European Investment Bank Fellow, Mateu Turro. He carried out research on trans-European transport networks and wrote a book on their political, economic, and financial implications. He gave talks to the Oxford Political Ecoonomy Society on “Public vs Private Financing of Major Infrastructure Projects in Europe”, on the financing of urban transport projects in Barcelona and Seville, and on the financing of telematic applications for transport in Brussels.
Senior Common Room Member, Sandra Ott. Her monograph about the French Basque mountain community of Ste-Engrace, The Circle of Mountains, was translated into Basque by the publisher GAIAK in San Sebastian.
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Daniel Diaz-Fuentes. Dr. Diaz Fuentes’ research interest was growth and technical change in Spain and the European Community, 1960-1990, using analysis based on input/output techniques.
Senior Associate Member, Julio de la Cueva.
Senior Associate Member, Juan Carmona.
Senior Associate Member, Miguel Requena.
Senior Associate Member, Javier Garcia Gonzales.
Notable Events
Seminar on Modern Spain: Seminar on “Spain and European Economic Cooperation: a new perspective” during the seminar on modern Spain organized by Dr. Charles Powell and with Fernando Guirao as the speaker
Special Lecture on “A Mediterranean View of the European Union” focusing on Spain’s presidency of the European Union by the President of the Catalan autonomous government, Jordi Pujol
Round Table on the Spanish Economy with Valpy Fitzgerald and Daniel Diaz-Fuentes
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Maria de los Angeles Pons.
Senior Associate Member, Alfredo Baratas
Senior Associate Member, Daniel Diaz-Fuentes
Senior Associate Member, Juan Carmona
Senior Associate Member, Manuel Lucena
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Carlos Malamud, a historian who is a specialist in Argentine history of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While at Oxford, he worked on a biography of the Argentinian politician Lisandro de la Torre.
Spanish Ministry of Education Scholar, Maria de los Angeles Pons. In her second year of DPhil she kept working on the post-war Spanish banking system, and was supervised by Dr. James Foreman-Peck.
Spanish Ministry of Education Scholar, Carolina Labarta. She was accepted by the College as a DPhil student to work on Anglo-Spanish relations in the post-war period, and was supervised by Dr. Charles Powell.
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Joseba Alvarez Junco. He published widely on the Spanish anarchist movement and Spanish populism. While he was at St. Antony’s, he worked on Spanish nationalism and State-building.
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Demetrio Castro, an expert on Spain and the French Revolution. He worked on British and Soanish political culture in the late 19th century, with a special reference to attitudes towards authority, law and order.
Spanish Ministry of Education Scholar, Maria de los Angeles Pons, an economic historian, she was accepted by the College as a DPhil student to work on the Spanish banking system.
Spanish Ministry of Defence Scholar, Carlos Oyaga. He looked into comparative civil-military relations.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Mikel Zurbano Irizar, a lecturer in economics at the University of the Basque Country (Sarrika). He worked on a book which explores links between both commercial and non-commercial forms of energy and economic development in the West as well as in Third World countries.
Visiting Scholar, Jose Vidal Pelaez from University of Valladolid
Visiting Scholar, Rafael Serrano from University of Valladolid
Visiting Scholar, David Ortega from Autonoma University, Madrid
Notable Events
Conference on “The New Democracies and the European Community”, which compared the experiences of Spain and Portugal in moving from dictatorship to democracy, and examined the past and future significance of the European Community for those difficult transitions. Mr. Cebrian played an important role in the Spanish transition as editor of El Pais. The financial support for the conference came from PRISA of Spain and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in London.
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Soledad Garzia Cabeze. She worked on citizenship in Europe. She was also involved in a comparative project financed by the EC and commissioned by the Centre of Urban Studies at Liverpool University on “Urbanization and the Functioning of Cities in the European Community”.
Spanish Ministry of Education Fellow, Barnabe Sarabia Heydrich
Spanish Ministry of Education Scholar, Javier Moreno Lazaro. He completed his PhD on the 19th century flour-milling industry in Old Castile.
Spanish Ministry of Education Scholar, Rosa Pardo Sanz. She completed her PhD on Franco’s foreign policy towards Latin America, 1940s-50s.
Spanish Ministry of Defence Scholar, Pedro Mendez de Vigo. He worked on the future impact of European integration on the defence industries of major EC countries.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Joseba Aggireazkuenaga
Visiting Scholar, Abdon Mateos Lopez from Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Visiting Scholar, Ricardo Martin de la Guardia from University of Valladolid
Visiting Scholar, Francisco Javier Caspistegui from University of Pamplona
Senior Associate Member, Charles Powell
Research Fellow, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Basque Visiting Fellow, Roman Basurto
Notable Events
In February 1988 a seminar on the Basque Country was held, sponsored by the Basque Government. The speakers were: Dr Ramon Jauregui, Vice-President of the Basque Government; Dr Milagros Garcia Crespo, Head of the Department of Economy and Planning, Basque Government; Dr Jon Juaristi, University of the Basque Country; and Dr Juan Pablo Fusi, Director of the Spanish National Library.
Basque Visiting Fellow, Arantza Mendizabal, Professor in the Economics Faculty of the University of the Basque Country
Deakin Fellow, Antonio Gomez-Mendoza, student of the College 1977-81, Reader in Economic History, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, he worked on the history of the Spanish Railways
Notable Events
Lecture on “Spanish Foreign Policy and the Democratic Processs” by Ángel Viñas
Lecture on “The Defence Policy of Spain” by the Spanish Under-Secretary of State by Don Eduardo Serrano
Lecture on “Spanish Conservatism” by Manuel Fraga Iribarne
Basque Visiting Fellow, Gurutz Jauregui, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of San Sebastian
Notable Events
Symposium on Basque Nationalism: The speakers were: Don Andoni Monforte, Prof Gurutz Jauregui, Don Txema Montero, and Prof Juan Pablo Fusi (former Research Fellow)
Lecture on “Atlantic History: Problems and Perspectives” by Augustin Ravina
Minister of Defence of Spain Narcis Serra lectured on “The Defence Policy of Spain”
Notable Events
Iberian Studies Seminars: From Michaelmas Term 1978 to Hilary Term 1979, Dr Juan Pablo Fusi ran a seminar on the nature of modern nationalism, a comparative study of the origins of modern nationalism and its contemporary characteristics. Subjects covered included nationalism in Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Germany, the Balkans, and northern Latin America, and general discussions of trends and problems in modern nationalism, Speakers included Professor A. Lyttelton and Dr A. Smith, both of Reading University. In Hilary Term 1979 the Warden of St Antony’s spoke on Catalan nationalism; other speakers on nationalism were (Scottish) Dr J. Brand, University of Strathclyde; (Irish) Professor J. C. Beckett, Queen’s University, Belfast; (French) Professor M. Anderson, University of Warwick; (Italian) Mr C. Seton-Watson, Fellow of Oriel College; and (Welsh) Dr K. O. Morgan of the Queen’s College.
Spanish Visiting Fellow, José Varela Ortega, supported by the Urquijo Bank of Madrid
Spanish Visiting Fellow, Juan Pablo Fusi, supported by the Urquijo Bank of Madrid
Notable Events
Iberian Studies Seminars: In 1976-9 Dr J. P. Fusi of Madrid University, Research Fellow, was responsible for Iberian studies in the Centre. He organized seminars on contemporary Spain and Portugal. From Michaelmas Term 1978 to Hilary Term 1979, Dr Fusi ran a seminar on the nature of modern nationalism, a comparative study of the origins of modern nationalism and its contemporary characteristics. Subjects covered included nationalism in Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Germany, the Balkans, and northern Latin America, and general discussions of trends and problems in modern nationalism, Speakers included Professor A. Lyttelton and Dr A. Smith, both of Reading University. In Hilary Term 1979 the Warden of St Antony’s spoke on Catalan nationalism; other speakers on nationalism were (Scottish) Dr J. Brand, University of Strathclyde; (Irish) Professor J. C. Beckett, Queen’s University, Belfast; (French) Professor M. Anderson, University of Warwick; (Italian) Mr C. Seton-Watson, Fellow of Oriel College; and (Welsh) Dr K. O. Morgan of the Queen’s College.