Welfare at St Antony’s

Life as a graduate student can be challenging. Here at St Antony’s we want to enhance your student experience and support you through the ups and downs of student life. We aim to create an inclusive, friendly and open community to give you a balanced environment where you can work effectively and enjoy the opportunities Oxford has to offer. 

We run a range of welfare events during term, including welfare lunches, cultural events, and mental health awareness week. We also support several volunteering opportunities. You can find out more about these in our weekly student newsletters.

These pages will guide you through the support available to you at St Antony’s College, the University, and in the local area.

Meet the team

Our Welfare Team is here to support you by listening, providing information, advice and guidance, and signposting you to professional services. The team works with a welfare network within the College and University, including the Dean, College Nurse, Disability Advisory Service and the GCR Welfare Officers.

Together we have a wealth of experience and are happy to speak to you via email, on Microsoft Teams, or in person. We offer advice on a wide variety of matters and can help you access services for additional help and guidance.

We will listen to your situation, and help you to negotiate a solution. We can offer you advice in line with the University’s exam regulations and explore the available options. We will agree any actions and next steps together to help you complete your degree and get you any assistance you might need.

Filiz is the College Welfare Lead and offers a wealth of experience in student support & wellbeing. She has responsibility for all areas of the student experience, welfare and discipline. If you have any concerns or need guidance with any academic, health or personal matters which impact your studies, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment.

Contact: head.academic@sant.ox.ac.uk

The Senior Tutor is a Governing Body Fellow and an academic. He supports the Academic Office in offering academic guidance. Students are welcome to reach out directly to the Senior Tutor if they would like to discuss any academic progress concerns, issues with their supervisor or concerns about their department.

Contact: senior.tutor@sant.ox.ac.uk

Office Hours during term time: Tuesdays, 10.00am – 11.00am

The Dean is responsible for implementing the Code of Conduct, Code of Student Discipline and related College policies, ensuring good behaviour and mutual respect amongst all members of the College. He is a Governing Body Fellow and works closely with the Senior Tutor and Head of Academic Office.

More information on College policies can be found here.

Contact: dean@sant.ox.ac.uk

Thea is responsible for scholarships, grants, student administration and is our disability co-ordinator. She can assist you with all matters relating to disability or ongoing health conditions, exam arrangements as well as extensions to assignment deadlines.

Contact: deputy.academic@sant.ox.ac.uk

Aym is responsible for on-course student administration, welfare administration, the weekly student newsletter and graduations.

Contact: academic.office@sant.ox.ac.uk

College advisors

As well as the Welfare Team, each student is allocated a College Advisor, who can also help you with appropriate welfare support.

All students are encouraged to meet with their College Advisor once a term, even if there are no issues to discuss. It is a very important relationship that all students should make use of. They are your link to the support services available in College and the University and will be able to give you further information and signpost you to relevant help. 

Peer champions

Peer Champions are current St Antony’s students who work with the College Welfare Team and are trained and supported though the University Counselling Service. Peer Champions are available informally for any Antonian to speak about anything that is concerning you – whether it’s stress, personal difficulties or just a need to get things off your chest. All Peer Champions have been trained to listen effectively, communicate sensitively, respect boundaries and above all, maintain confidentiality.

Email: peer.supporters@sant.ox.ac.uk

College Academic Office

The Academic Office is here to guide and support you in your student journey. We know that life can be stressful, and we can help you navigate through the university regulations and policies so that you can focus on your studies.

We can help you with administration related to your course, from extension requests to grants supporting your studies, to signing Graduate progression forms. We also offer advice on University regulations and procedures.

We are open Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 4.00pm. You can visit us in the Gateway building during these hours.

Email: academic.office@sant.ox.ac.uk

Welfare support information