Welfare at St Antony’s

Life as a graduate student can be challenging. Here at St Antony’s we want to enhance your student experience and support you through the ups and downs of student life. We aim to create an inclusive, friendly and open community within College to give you a balanced environment where you can work effectively and enjoy the opportunities Oxford has to offer. 

Throughout term, we run a range of welfare events, including termly welfare lunches, cultural events, and mental health awareness week. We also support several volunteering opportunities. You can find out more about these in our weekly student newsletters.

The following pages will guide you through the support available to you at St Antony’s College, the University, and within Oxfordshire.

Meet the Team

Our Welfare team is here to support you by listening, providing information, advice and guidance, and signposting you to professional services. The team works with a welfare network within the College and university, including the Dean, College Nurse, Disability Advisory Service and the GCR Welfare Officers.

Filiz McNamara – Head of Academic Office (she/her)
Filiz is the College Welfare Lead and offers a wealth of experience in student support & wellbeing. She has responsibility for all areas of the student experience, welfare and discipline. If you have any concerns or need guidance with any academic, health or personal matters which impact your studies, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment.

Contact: head.academic@sant.ox.ac.uk

Professor Walter Armbrust – Senior Tutor

The Senior Tutor is a Governing Body Fellow and an academic in his own right. He supports the Academic Office in offering academic guidance. Students are welcome to reach out directly to the Senior Tutor if they would like to discuss any academic progress concerns, issues with their supervisor or concerns about their department.

Contact senior.tutor@sant.ox.ac.uk

Office Hours during term time:

Tuesdays 10am -11am

Professor Paul Betts – Dean for Student Conduct

The Dean is responsible for implementing the Code of Conduct, Code of Student Discipline and related College policies, ensuring good behaviour and mutual respect amongst all members of the College. He is a Governing Body Fellow and works closely with the Senior Tutor and Head of Academic Office.

More information on student related policies can be found here. LINK

Contact: dean@sant.ox.ac.uk

Thea Teasdale – Deputy Head of Academic Office (she/her)

Thea is responsible for scholarships, grants, student administration and is our disability co-ordinator. She can assist you with all matters relating to disability or ongoing health conditions, exam arrangements as well as extensions to assignment deadlines.

Contact: deputy.academic@sant.ox.ac.uk

Aym Maidment – Academic and Welfare Officer (they/them)

Aym is responsible for on-course student administration, welfare administration, the weekly student newsletter and graduations.

Contact: academic.office@sant.ox.ac.uk

Together we have a wealth of experience and are happy to speak to you via email, on MS Teams, or in person. We offer advice on a wide variety of matters and can signpost you to services for additional help and guidance.

We will listen to your situation, and help you to negotiate a solution. We can offer you advice in line with the University’s exam regulations and explore the available options. We will agree any actions and next steps together to help you complete your degree and get you any assistance you might need.

As well as the Welfare Team, each student is allocated a College Advisor, who can also signpost to appropriate welfare support.

All students are encouraged to meet with their College Advisor once a term, even if there are no issues to discuss, it is a very important relationship that all students should make use of. They are your link to the support services available in College and the university and will be able to give you further information and signpost you appropriately. 

The Academic Office is here to guide and support you in your student journey. We know that life can be stressful, and we can help you navigate through the university regulations and policies so that you can focus on your studies.

Filiz McNamara – Head of Academic Office (she/her)
Responsible for academic all areas of the student experience, welfare and discipline.

Thea Teasdale – Deputy Head of Academic Office (she/her)

Responsible for scholarships, grants, student administration and is disability co-ordinator.

Rodrigo Hernandez – Academic and Admissions Officer (he/him)

Responsible for admissions, new student enrolment, and pre-course administration.

Aym Maidment – Academic and Welfare Officer (they/them)

Responsible for on-course student administration, welfare administration, the weekly student newsletter and graduations.

We can help students with administration related to their course, from extension requests to grants supporting your studies, to signing Graduate progression forms. We also offer advice on University regulations and procedures.

We are open Mondays – Fridays, 9.30am – 12.30noon and 1.30pm – 4.00pm.

Email: academic.office@sant.ox.ac.uk

National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS) is the UK’s state health service, and provides a full range of medical treatment. The UK Council for International Student Affairs gives a good summary of the services provided by the NHS, which you can find here.

How to access health care in Oxford

The College has an agreement with nearby Summertown Health Centre to provide NHS medical services for our students and Senior Members.

Student registration

If you have not already registered with a doctor in Oxford, you need to do this as soon as possible (preferably, before you arrive in the UK). You can register with the College doctor by filling in this form.

Once registered, you can then access health care by seeing the College Nurse or Doctor (see below) or by making an appointment at Summertown Health Centre, a 15 minute walk/five minute taxi journey from St Antony’s.

The phone number for Summertown Health Centre is +44 (0)1865 515552.

Partners and children

Your partner and/or children are also able to register directly at Summertown Health Centre as long as you are living close enough to the surgery. Please ask Summertown Health Centre if you are unsure about whether you live in their catchment area.

College Nurse and Doctor

College Nurse

Please book an appointment with the nurse using this link. Please use your @sant email address to have access to all the available appointments.

Appointments can be in person (at the nurse’s surgery in the basement of the Hilda Besse Building) or online via MS Teams.

You should see the nurse for:

  • Minor injuries or illnesses
  • Initial mental health support
  • Contraceptive pill checks
  • Sexual health
  • Covid vaccinations advice

The College Nurse Ms Patience Robinson is available during term time (weeks 0-9 inclusive) at the following times:

  • Tuesday 12:45-14:45 – Drop in or pre-booked appointments
  • Wednesday 12:45-14:45 – Drop in or pre-booked appointments
  • Thursday 12:45-14:45 – Drop in or pre-booked appointments

You can also email the nurse directly with any queries: pml.stantonysnurse@nhs.net

College Doctor

The College Doctor is often called a GP in the UK, which stands for General Practitioner.

Book an appointment with the College Doctor for:

  • Medical Certificates
  • New medications or repeat prescriptions
  • Full medical reviews
  • Mental health reviews and medications
  • Follow up for ongoing medical conditions
  • Ordering blood tests
  • Referrals to specialist doctors

The College Doctor Dr Dave Triffitt offers exclusive appointments for St Antony’s College students during term time (weeks 1-8 inclusive) at the following times:

  • Tuesdays 2.40pm – 4.40pm
  • You must make an appointment in advance.

To make an appointment with the College doctor, please contact the surgery directly. As a registered patient at the Summertown Health Centre, you can also make appointments outside term time. We recommend that you use the eConsult pages to make your appointments: https://summertownhealthcentre.webgp.com/

You may also try to book by phone 01865 515552

If you feel you need to see a GP the same day, explain this to the receptionist who will ask you the appropriate questions, and can refer you to the duty doctor.

Please note – you must have a UK phone number to have access to the GP system.

Medicines and treatments not available through the NHS

Please note that a few medicines and treatments are not available through the NHS service. Commonly requested but unavailable medications include desensitising injections for the treatment of allergies, triphasic contraceptive pills, Nuva-ring contraception, Bupropion for the treatment of depression, and stimulants for the treatment of conditions including adult onset ADHD. Please bring adequate supplies with you, or the College Doctor or Nurse can suggest alternative treatments.

Dental treatment

Dental treatment is available through the National Health Service (NHS) and you have to make a contribution towards the cost of treatment. You can find information about NHS dentists who are accepting new patients here.

For more information on Health Services in Oxford please have a look here.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Whether you’re experiencing an acute period of anxiety, or you’ve experienced longer term mental health conditions, there’s a wide range of support you can access both within College and the University.

How do I know if I should seek help?

There’s no ‘threshold’ you need to meet in order to be able to access support. Just because you know someone who’s having a seemingly more difficult time than you, or because you’ve been managing your mental health on your own for a long time, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to receive help from others. If you’re struggling, whether it’s short or long term, talk to someone about it.

Who can I talk to within College?

The most important thing about deciding who to talk to about your mental health is finding someone you feel comfortable with. There are a range of people from different walks of life who are trained and practiced in supporting students through difficult periods of mental health, so in the first instance, reach out to who you feel most comfortable with.

Everyone you speak to in College will follow confidentiality guidelines, which they’ll discuss with you at the start of your conversation.

  • Peer Champions can be a good first point of contact, and can signpost you to future help. Contact them here.
  • The Academic Office can help, especially where your mental health and studies are linked. Filiz, Thea and Aym are all happy to talk to you and suggest best next steps. Contact them here.
  • The College Nurse can listen to how your mental health is making you feel and provide medical guidance

The College Librarian has also put together a list of books available in our library that can help you support your mental health.

What other support is available in Oxford?

Oxford University Counselling Service

The Service offers free and confidential short-term individual and group support for students experiencing mental health difficulties. You may make an appointment by email: counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk. Podcasts and self-help resources are also available on the website.

Talking Space Plus

Offering a range of FREE talking therapies through the NHS to people registered with an Oxfordshire GP. You can self-refer on their website, or be referred by your GP.

Oxford Samaritans

If something’s troubling you, get in touch by telephone, email or visit to speak to someone face to face, even if you are worried about someone else.
Call 116 123 (this number is free to call)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Visit the Oxford branch: Samaritans Oxford, 60 Magdalen Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 1RB
Open 7 days a week 8:00am – 10:00pm and wheelchair accessible

Oxford Safe Haven

If you experience mental health crisis, you can get support with Oxford Safe Haven by calling 01865 903 037. Safe Haven is a non-clinical space offering crisis support, signposting, safety planning and listening support. They offer one to one support on the phone or face to face and online. Open 7 days a week from 6pm until 10pm. The referral line is open from 5pm on the day of the service and the last entry is at 9pm. You must call first to book an appointment for the same day.


Telephone peer support available 8pm-8am, weeks 0-9 for phone, instant message, skype or drop-in (T) 01865 270 270, 16 Wellington Square, Oxford


Offering help and advice for any mental health problem call 01865 24 77 88 or visit their webpages.


Offers opportunity to connect with other students experiencing similar issues through online forums. You can also access advice and self-learning courses. Register with your university email account.

Students Against Depression

A website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking. Alongside clinically-validated information and resources it presents the experiences, strategies and advice of students themselves – after all, who better to speak to their peers about how depression can be overcome?

The University supports students who have declared a disability, including specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia and dyspraxia), long-term health conditions, mental health difficulties, mobility difficulties, sensory impairments and autism spectrum disorders.

Students are strongly encouraged to notify the Disability Advisory Service (DAS) as soon as possible if they have (or think they might have) a disability for advice about the range of study support available, and so that appropriate support arrangements can be made.

Not every disability is visible. If you are not sure if your health condition counts as a disability, or whether there’s any appropriate support that could be offered, contact our Disability Coordinator.

Suitable adjustments, depending on the nature of your condition and your course, could include:

  • Access to lecture recordings
  • Extended book borrowing times from libraries
  • Extra time in exams
  • Flexible deadlines
  • Ability to type exams rather than handwrite them
  • Ability to sit exams in College rather than at Exam Schools

A guide to accessing disability support can found on their website. Students can also contact the team to speak to a Disability Advisor who will be happy to answer any questions they might have via: email, phone (+44 (0)1865 280459), or in person at 3 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX

Within St Antony’s, the disability contact is the Deputy Head of Academic Office.

Below is a list of emergency support services which you can access 24/7:

St Antony’s Porters’ Lodge

You can walk to the Lodge if you are on site or call on 01865 284700 if you need urgent help or to report an urgent incident. The College has an ‘Emergency and Welfare Incident Protocol’. The Porters will follow and activate this protocol if needed once an incident is reported. This includes contacting the College’s Welfare Team.  All our Porters are fully trained in first aid and will be able to signpost you to other emergency services as appropriate.

Medical or mental health advice – 111

For urgent medical or mental health advice, call NHS on 111 or visit 111.nhs.uk

Police non-emergency – 101

To report a crime or other concerns that do not require an emergency response call 101 or visit police.uk

Emergency services: Police, Ambulance, Fire Service – 999

In the event of an emergency, call 999.    If you are on college site, please then notify the Lodge if you can on 01865 284700 so they may direct the emergency services to your location.

Need to talk to someone or having thoughts about suicide – 116 123

Whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you.
If you are having a difficult time, or worried about someone else, you can get in touch about anything that is troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels.
Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Call 116 123 or visit www.samaritans.org.

Student Assistance Programme

Free 24 Hour helpline from Health Assured to support you through any of life’s issues or problems, including Stress & Anxiety, Bereavement, relationship Advice, Counselling, Exam worries and Family issues.

Free and Confidential: 0800 228 3766

All St Antony’s College Students have access to the Student Assistance Programme. This is your Wellbeing Service for all the small and big issues that life throws at you. The service and advice is independent, separate to the College, and completely confidential.

FREE 24-hour Confidential helpline: 0800 028 3766

The Wellbeing Service includes:

Home Life Support

If you’re having trouble balancing your budgets, worried about debt or even require assistance with civil disputes, there are expert advisors to offer the support you need.

Student Life Assistance

Student Life advice is dedicated to supporting you with any issues you may be facing, whether it be coping with exam pressure, trouble concentrating or managing peer relationships.

Physical & Emotional Health

The Student Assistance Programme offers a  suite of resources aimed to support you both physically, and emotionally, from managing anxiety to simple breathing techniques.

Wellbeing Resources

There are lots of self-help tools offered through the programme. These provide a wide range of wellbeing modules, factsheets and video counselling.

Mini Health Checks

The Mini Health Checks are a great way for you to assess your own wellbeing. They only take a minute or two and you’ll be provided with instant guidance, based on your answers.

Health Calendar

The Health Calendar raises awareness each month of different subjects such as LGBTQ+ topics, money management and various physical and mental wellbeing topics


Mental wellbeing is a priority at Health Assures. The webinars provide topical information and coaching to guide and educate on a range of mental health issues.

My Healthy Advantage app

This app offers a variety of bespoke wellbeing features. You will have access to a library of learning materials personalised to your preferences, including wellbeing articles, videos, weekly mood tracker, 4-week plans and mini health checks.

Download ‘My Healthy Advantage’ app

App code: MHA176522

Username: Wellbeing

Password: Please email the Academic Office to obtain the password or check the weekly Student Newsletter

Don’t forget, you can always call the FREE 24-hour Confidential Helpline:

0800 028 3766

Sexual harassment and violence is any unwanted sexual behaviour, which takes place without consent, whether someone knows the person or not. It can happen regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or age. It does not always happen in person. It may happen online, for example on social media, via email or messaging.

St Antony’s College does not tolerate harassment, bullying or victimisation, and expects all members of the College community, its visitors, and contractors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration.

Please find the College Policy concerning harassment

Sexual harassment and violence can include:

  • Unwanted physical contact (sexual or not)
  • Unwanted sexual comments, teasing, jokes, questions, or nicknames
  • Catcalling, whistling, howling, elevator eyes
  • Stalking, flashing, or touching yourself around someone else
  • Revenge porn or non-consensual imagery, sending unsolicited dick pics
  • Lying about sexual partners, sharing private information without consent
  • Telling people about someone else’s assault
  • Rape jokes
  • Stealthing (condom removal without consent)
  • Pressure to go on a date or engage in sexual activity
  • Rape

Sexual Assault Resources at St Antony’s

If you have experienced any form of sexual assault or harassment, , the College can support you on a confidential basis. Please contact the Welfare Team at College, when you are ready to do so.

The Welfare Team is there to listen in a safe, non-judgmental manner. They can advise you on what to do next, and, should you wish, on how to make a formal complaint. Email a member of the Welfare Team, or drop into the office to speak to us..

If an assault or rape has occurred and you need immediate support, contact the Porter’s Lodge (01865 284700) and they will call a trained member of the Welfare Team or other appropriate services.

You can also seek advice from the College Nurse (during term only) or the Summertown Health Centre.

University Resources

Oxford University Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service supportservice@admin.ox.ac.uk | www.ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/supportservice

This service is run with OSARCC. They provide confidential advice and support for survivors of sexual violence, and run a separate service to support those accused. All specialist caseworkers are trained to support you at your pace, non-judgementally and in confidence, putting you in control of what happens next.

A member of the Welfare team is also available to attend the service with you as a support figure, should you wish. In the first instance, email academic.office@sant.ox.ac.uk. You don’t have to disclose details in your initial email.

Harassment Advisors

The University’s confidential Harassment Advisor Network can help if you are worried about someone else’s behaviour towards you, you can consult a Harassment Advisor even if you are not sure whether what has happened counts as harassment or bullying.  The Advisor will listen to you sympathetically and confidentially, and help you to come to your own decision.You can ask for a Harassment Advisor outside your College or Department, an advisor specialised in relationship abuse or sexual violence, or an advisor who is BME or LGBTQ+. Call 01865 270760 or email harassment.line@admin.ox.ac.uk

Other Resources

Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre (OSARCC)
admin@osarcc.org.uk | 0800 783 6294
OSARCC supports survivors of sexual abuse, rape, and harassment across Oxfordshire.

Churchill Hospital (GUM Clinic)
01865 231 231
You can acces HIV prophylaxis and emergency contraception here, as well as testing and treatment for STIs

The Samaritans (open 24/7) call 116

Revenge Porn Helpline

BPAS (Abortion and Pregnancy Support)

03457 30 40 30

Survivors UK (for male survivors)

GALOP (for LGBTQIA+ survivors)

Peer Champions are current St Antony’s students who work with the College welfare team and are trained and supported though the University Counselling Service. Peer Champions are available informally for any fellow Antonian to speak about anything that is concerning you, be it stress, personal difficulties or just a need to get things off your chest. All Peer Champions have been trained to listen effectively, communicate sensitively, respect boundaries and above all, maintain confidentiality.

Email: peer.supporters@sant.ox.ac.uk