Graduate Common Room (GCR)
In this section
Our student Graduate Common Room (GCR) is the group of students who lead on student affairs and collaborate with the College on a range of matters.
The GCR refers to both the entire student body of the College as well as the Committee of elected student representatives who are present to ensure things run smoothly year round. In casual conversation, ‘GCR’ usually refers to the Committee (also called the Executive); but everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in student affairs.
Details about the various GCR officers can be found here.
The GCR Executive is elected by students at the end of each Michaelmas Term for one (calendar) year period of office. The GCR Executive represents student members’ interests in Governing Body and the Management Executive Team and in negotiations with the College administration.
It also organises social events, and are encouraged to take an active part in the GCR and in College life more generally.
The GCR Executive is made up of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President (Academic Affairs), Vice President (Welfare) and Vice President (Social Events).
There are also a number of GCR Officers. Positions include: BME (Black and Minority Ethnicities) Officer; Social Action Coordinator, Environmental Officer, Sports Officer, LGBTQ+ Officer, Women’s Officer, Men’s Officer, Webmaster, OUSU Officer, Social Secretary (Events), Social Secretary (Formal Dinners).
GCR meetings are held between two and four times a term, and the GCR website and Facebook groups give full information about these and about the many clubs, societies and events in which the GCR plays a part. The noticeboard is to the right of the entrance to the Porters’ Lodge.
More information can be found on the GCR Facebook page.
The GCR runs the Late Bar which is centrally located in the Buttery in the Hilda Besse building. Here the GCR hosts many – if not all – of its term-time events. Social events, academic events, and welfare events happen frequently, and students are encouraged to attend as many of these as possible. In the past, they have hosted cultural nights, teas with professors, BOPs, potlucks, and many other creative and fun affairs.
The term card, released at the beginning of each term, will provide students with a comprehensive schedule of upcoming events.
The purpose of the GCR Committee is to represent the interests of all students in College and encourage direct participation in student governance. As such, student input is needed at the regular GCR meetings, which are open to all St Antony’s students. Meetings allow the Committee to share what they’ve been doing of late and encourage ideas and suggestions from any Antonian. To participate, students can either just come along and watch or propose a motion, whether it’s to purchase recyclable cups for the bar or to get funding for a charity or organisation.
Elections are held every November for the new Committee. Any students interested in getting involved in student government (a very rewarding experience) should come to GCR meetings to find out about the positions available, and/or contact the President. It’s a great way to get to know how College works at a faster pace.