College Accommodation
In this section
We hope that our students will enjoy living in St Antony’s community. Compliance with the following regulations, set down by Governing Body, will ensure a pleasant and harmonious accommodation atmosphere for all College members.
Students should treat all College property (particularly their accommodation), College staff, and their fellow College Members, with respect and consideration. We hope that students will take pride in their College, respect their surroundings and keep all areas tidy and litter-free.
Cleaning and Laundry facilities
All College accommodation is provided with a cleaning service through the deployment of Scouts (members of staff with responsibility for cleaning the study bedrooms, kitchen areas and circulation spaces). In the kitchens, however, Scouts are not responsible for washing up crockery, cutlery, pots and pans, etc. This is the responsibility of residents, who are expected to develop a mutually cooperative relationship with the Scouts.
Laundry facilities (washers and driers) are provided by an external company in the following locations:
- Basement level of 64 Woodstock Road – accessible from the College side of the Night gate for students who do not live in 64/66 Woodstock Road
- The ground floor of the Ghassan Shaker Building – where the Lodge is situated – on the north side of the building. This is suitable for disabled access
- 86 Woodstock Road
- 3 Church Walk
- 25/26 Winchester Road
The best way to pay for use of the washing machines is with a laundry card. Cards are available at the Lodge.
The Circuit mobile app is also available, but please be aware that some students have found it unreliable. A laundry card is the most reliable way to pay for the use of the washing machines.
If any machines break down at any time, it should be reported as soon as possible to the Duty Porter in the Lodge, who will contact the operating company in order that the repair is carried out as quickly as possible. Please also report the issue directly to the supplier using the information provided at each washing machine. Repairs may not be until the following day as a 24-hour service is not available.
Please note that College Maintenance staff are not responsible for the upkeep or repair of the machines, and the College is not responsible for refunding money which may be lost as a result of machine malfunction, although the Porters will report the details of any such losses to the operating company who will usually arrange a credit.
Maintenance issues
It is important that maintenance issues are dealt with as quickly as possible in order to prevent deterioration of the furnishings, fixtures and fittings of the College buildings.
Thanks to a generous donation from the Antonian fund, an assortment of bicycle tools are available at the Porters’ Lodge. These can be taken out in exchange for a University Card from the Porters. These tools allow students to carry out most bike maintenance on their own.
Safety and security
All members of College have a responsibility for health and safety, and should not engage in any activity that would endanger their own safety, or that of other users of the College. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that fire doors are closed when not being passed through; that fire extinguishing equipment is not interfered with; and that no material is stored in any of the fire exit routes or passageways.
In all College buildings, the College is required to maintain a fire protection system and provide fire-fighting equipment. The College is also obliged to maintain the buildings in an inherently fire-safe condition. All residents have an obligation under the Health and Safety laws not to do anything to compromise this inherent level of fire safety. Part of the fire safety precautions include fire drills each term. One pre-announced fire drill, and one unannounced drill, will take place in Michaelmas Term. During Hilary and Trinity Terms there will be one unannounced fire drill. College members are obliged to participate in evacuating the building in order to familiarise themselves with the most appropriate fire escape routes.
Any defects in any of the fire precautions, or any other physical aspect of the building, or fire fighting equipment that has been either interfered with or discharged, should be reported to the Lodge so that remedial steps may be taken.
In the event of a fire alarm in any of the buildings being activated, students should immediately exit the building by the nearest fire escape route, and inform the Lodge of what is happening. If it is apparent that a fire is in progress, dial 999 to notify the Fire Brigade.
In your College accommodation, you must not:
- use any naked flames or open burners (eg candles, incense sticks etc)
- smoke, including water pipes, vaporisers, and e-cigarettes
- store flammable materials
- bring additional furniture or equipment (including upholstered items, fridges, electrical heaters or other electrical goods, and cookers).
Please see the College Fire Safety Video
Electrical safety
Electrical items left unattended, wired incorrectly, or used in an unsafe way are a significant fire risk. This is why the following rules apply:
- You may use small electrical items in your bedroom, but not cooking appliances (microwaves, rice cookers etc)
- You are not allowed to bring portable heaters (electrical, gas, oil, paraffin) and electric blankets because of fire risks. We recommend using normal blankets and hot water bottles during colder weather
- Plug-in fairy lights are not allowed (battery-operated fairy lights are fine)
- In general, please use common sense, do not leave any electrical items unattended and do not use anything that is not safely wired
The College will offer free PAT testing sessions in Michaelmas Term. This is when we check whether your electrical items are safe to use.
The College reserves the right to enter any room to check the use and safety of any electrical equipment. Any appliances, leads or other electrical items thought to be faulty or potentially dangerous will be removed. Any heaters not provided by the College will be removed. All cooking appliances plugged into bedrooms will be removed. Every electrical appliance must carry the appropriate British Standard number or Kitemark. The plug must also carry BS number 1363, be of the safety sleeve type, and be correctly fused for the appliance.
Electrical items from outside the UK
The electrical supply in the UK is rated at 240 volts AC at 50 Hz. Contact the maintenance department if you want to use electronics bought outside the UK and are unsure whether it will work successfully and safely on this supply.
All electrical items you bring must be in good condition. If you are bringing electrical items from outside the UK follow this guidance:
- It is safest to buy UK cables or plugs for frequently used items with batteries like phones or laptops
- Use a safe adaptor with a fuse. You can purchase these easily online or from a UK retailer
- Check your item meets UK safety standards: UK standards BS5733 AND BS1363, UK kitemarks, CE certification, or UKCA certification
- If you need to plug more than one item in, you are allowed to use extension leads with multiple sockets which have a proper fuse. Please don’t use cube multi-faced adapters
- If you bring electrical equipment in from the United States or Canada it is possible you will require step-down transformers as US power operates at 110/120V 60Hz.
In accordance with UK law, all St Antony’s College buildings and enclosed spaces are non-smoking areas (this includes vaping and e-cigarettes).
This applies to all buildings including accommodation blocks, houses, flats, individual bedrooms, common spaces and offices.
Smoking may only take place outside in specific designated areas:
- Students: outside the doors to the rear of the Buttery (outside the Hilda Besse Building)
- Staff: at the top of the ramp to the rear of the College near Church Walk and Winchester Road
Smokers are urged not to litter the ground with cigarette ends etc. These regulations are UK law as well as College rules, and transgression may result in substantial fines as well as disciplinary action.
Please use heating responsibly by turning off the heating when you leave a room. Heating empty rooms wastes energy and increases carbon emissions. The College provides heating during the colder months (generally October to May), and the heating is turned off when it is warmer.
When you move into your room, you will see that your heating will be one of three types:
Founders Building A, B or C have all electric heating. You will have a dial on the radiator which controls the heating.
You have manual gas heating if there is a round valve on your radiator (usually with numbers). Turn the valve to control the heating.
You have smart heating if you have a small white box with a metal stripe attached to the radiator. Scan the QR code next to your light switch to access the app and control your heating.
Read about how the smart heating works in our smart heating guide. Please check the frequently asked questions section before reporting issues to maintenance to see if your question is answered there.
You are not allowed extra heaters of any kind (electrical, gas, oil, paraffin) unless the College provides them in an emergency. If your heating is broken the College will provide heaters if necessary, which will be collected after the heating is fixed.
If your heating is not working, please fill out a maintenance request here. To solve issues more quickly please be specific about your issue and tell us which room you are in. Please don’t remove any valves from the radiators as this causes damage.
Out of hours heating issues:
The Maintenance Department is open between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Urgent faults outside of these hours should be reported directly to the Lodge.
Medical or health concerns:
If you need reasonable adjustments for medical reasons, please get in touch with the deputy head of the academic office at
Security in Founder’s, Ghassan Shaker and Gateway Buildings
These buildings have been designed with security in mind.
Access to these accommodation areas is by keypad or proximity access card on a 24 hour a day basis. Means of access – keypad or proximity card – varies from building to building, and the method required for each room will be explained when keys are allocated. Residents should assist the College in ensuring security by reporting any faults on the Access Control System, or any doors that fail to close successfully after use. Bedroom and flat doors are also equipped with either a locking or access card system which, upon closing the door, will automatically lock. Students in rooms with key access can ‘double lock’ the door by making use of the key which will engage the dead bolt. This dead bolt can be engaged with a manual thumb turn from the inside.
In the event that a visitor has gained entry to a building without permission, residents can use the viewing aperture in all bedroom and flat doors to identify visitors prior to opening the door.
All external windows of these buildings have an opening restriction fitted to them. On the ground level this restriction cannot be overridden, thereby reducing the likelihood of intruders climbing through open windows. Residents should not try to force windows on the upper floors wider than the restrictor will allow, as this may cause extensive, and expensive, damage.
Sufficient ventilation to rooms can be gained by opening windows to the restricted position. In addition to the window there is a permanent ‘trickle’ vent in the top frame of the window which should be in the open position to aid permanent ventilation of the room. As with all modern buildings, rooms which are not ventilated will have high levels of condensation.
Security in College houses
The College houses, like the Founder’s, Ghassan Shaker and Gateway Buildings, are designed and equipped to be secure.
Residents should assist the College to ensure security by reporting any faults with the main entrance doors, or any other doors that fail to close successfully after use.
Study bedroom or flat doors are also equipped with a locking system that, upon closing the door, will automatically lock.
All external windows on the ground level and basement levels have opening restrictions fitted to them, thus preventing intruders from climbing through open windows.
Any missing restriction fittings should be reported urgently at the Lodge.
As part of the security provision, lighting to the main curtilage and around the College buildings is provided. Any faults in this equipment should be reported.
Walk-in thefts
Members of College are advised that walk-in thefts from College rooms and lodgings are common in Oxford, particularly during Michaelmas term when there are many new faces. Such incidents are uncommon at St Antony’s, but occur from time to time. Often intruders are allowed entry by an unwitting resident; students are warned never to allow access to strangers or people they do not know.
Once in the building, intruders pick up small portable articles of value such as mobile phones, cameras, loose cash, laptops, watches and sometimes clothing. Thefts should be reported directly to the police, and also to the Lodge, by the person who has suffered the loss.
The main safeguard is for all members of the College to keep their room/flat and house doors locked, to ensure that smaller items are not positioned near to windows where a thief may reach in and take them, and to avoid keeping large amounts of cash in rooms.
Students who feel comfortable about doing so can ask anyone they do not recognise to identify themselves. If they do not wish to do this, or are concerned for their own safety, they should call the police on 999 and also inform the Lodge.
Room insurance
Your contents are insured while you’re staying with us through Howden. Register with Howden for Students to access your cover.
You can register with the app here.
You can also access a 24/7 wellbeing helpline, a dedicated blog section for everything you need to know about student life, receive discounts on other student-friendly insurance, and access the career advice section.
Should you have individual items of value you may wish to consider making your own arrangements of additional insurance cover for them.
Personal injury insurance is also provided for students taking part in official sports that are sanctioned by the College.
Council tax
Council tax is a local tax for local services based on the estimated value of the property and the number of people living in it. Students living on their own in multiple-occupation College buildings/houses are not liable for the tax.
Those living in flats out of College may be liable if they have a partner who is not a registered student. Students living in houses outside the College may be liable if non-students also share the premises. An enrolment certificate which exempts students from Council tax can be obtained from the Student Self Service section of the University website .
Personalising rooms/flats
Nothing may be attached to the walls of rooms or communal areas: this includes the use of Sellotape, Blu-Tack and other similar products. Repair to any damage to fixtures and fittings within rooms, excluding normal wear and tear, will be charged to students. Any defects should be reported online. Prompt reporting may prevent charges being raised when you finally vacate your accommodation.
TV licence
A television, DVD and video player are available in the Combined Common Room in the Hilda Besse Building. Individual televisions and computers, laptops, tablet devices etc on which live television is watched will require a TV licence which may be purchased at stores with a PayPoint outlet, or online. A leaflet giving details of requirements for TV licensing is placed in all College bedrooms, and all students are advised to familiarise themselves with the regulations and to obtain the appropriate licence where applicable. Enforcement is taken very seriously by the authorities, and failure to obtain a licence can result in a fine of up to £1,000.
Internet access
All study bedrooms within the houses on the main College curtilage, the Founder’s, Ghassan Shaker and Gateway Buildings are provided with wireless internet access for student use.
Guest accommodation
You may have a guest stay with you in your room for up to 3 consecutive nights at no additional charge with prior permission from the Accommodation office or Head of Operations and Estates.
Guests must be registered with the College in advance of arrival. You can do this by contacting the Accommodation office who will ask you to complete a registration form including full name, arrival date and time, departure date and time, and for those who are non-UK residents a copy of their passport.
Guest resident
If you have a guest who you’d like to stay with you for longer than 3 nights, speak to the Accommodation office so that we can discuss possible options there might be for you. We can’t guarantee that it will be possible for guests to stay in student accommodation for longer than 3 nights. This is due to us reviewing the impact guests will have on other students and shared facilities, as well as ensuring we maintain a safe maximum capacity in our accommodations.
Guest Rooms
Should your guests require their own room, the College has 2 Guest Rooms. Student members may reserve a Guest Room (subject to availability) for friends or family members. Please contact the Accommodation office to check for availability in the first instance.
Any Guest Rooms reserved must be paid for in advance. This charge cannot be added to your College Battels Account and paid for at a later date. The rate per night for guests is currently from £69.17 plus VAT (a UK business tax) per night for room only.
Click here for more information about College Guest Rooms.
House parties
Members of the College may give parties on their own behalf, in their own rooms, provided that:
- they have sent a note to the Dean during the week preceding the party and have notified everyone in the house
- not more than 40 people attend in total
- the majority of those attending are either members of, or are attached to, the College
Making changes to the accommodation contract
The accommodation contract details the dates of tenancy and is sent to all students via email before they accept the accommodation offer. For all queries about making changes to a contract, from extending a lease over the summer, or applying for a room in College in subsequent years, please contact the Accommodation Office.
The Licence to Occupy is an agreement/contract relating to College Accommodation between the College and individual students; as such, it is non-transferable and the rights of an individual may not be assigned to another person – sub-letting – without written permission from the College Accommodation Office or the Head of Operations and Estates.
Should a Licensee wish to sub-let their room or flat to another Student Member of College (preferably) or a Student Member of Oxford University (but only if you know and trust this individual), the Licensee should, in the first instance, inform the Accommodation Office and request permission to sub-let with at least five days’ notice of the commencement of the sub-let. Under no circumstances may a room be sub-let to a non-College or Oxford University Student member nor an Alumni or employee of the College or Oxford University.
In order to consider sub-letting your College Accommodation you must currently be residing in your College Accommodation and then have plans to leave for a period of time, and also intend to then return to Campus. Sub-letting should not be something you consider if you wish to delay your arrival or should you wish to vacate your College Accommodation earlier than planned and without fulfilling the 8 week notice period. Under such circumstances please contact the College Accommodation office to find out what your available options are.
Failure to comply with the procedure of notifying and seeking permission from the Accommodation Office or the Head of Operations and Estates for sub-letting will be dealt with under the College’s Code of Student Discipline.
It may be that the Accommodation Office is aware of people looking for accommodation, and they may be able to put interested parties in touch. The Accommodation Office would not assist in advertising the room.
Please DO NOT advertise your room as available to online letting sites, for example. If permission is granted and a suitable applicant is found, that person must visit the Accommodation Office, preferably with the original Licensee, and be introduced to the Accommodation Officer or Head of Operations and Estates, to whom they should provide their personal details. If they are not normally a UK resident they will also need to show their passport, of which a photocopy will be taken.
It must be clearly understood that, subject to permission being granted, the responsibility for the payment of rent and for keeping the accommodation in good condition remains with the original licensee, including the responsibility to pay for any damage which may occur during the period of the sub-let.
Arrangements between the Licensee and the person sub-letting regarding rental payments is an arrangement strictly between themselves and it is not the concern or responsibility of the College; the ultimate responsibility lying with the original Licensee.
Terminating an accommodation licence
If the Licensee wishes to terminate the Accommodation Agreement prior to the expiry of their licence then they must give notice no sooner than 13 weeks after commencement of the licence. The licensee must then provide at least 8 weeks written notice to the Accommodation office:
Should the licensee depart before the 8 week notice period has been completed, they will be liable for the cost of their accommodation for the full 8 week period and will be charged unless otherwise agreed with the Accommodation and Academic office.
Should the licensee wish to terminate their agreement prior to it’s start date on the licence, they should alert the Accommodation office as soon as possible so the accommodation can be offered to a student on the waiting list.
Checking Out Procedure
You are expected to leave your accommodation ready for the next occupant. Failure to do so will lead to charges against your deposit. In flats, particular attention must be paid to the cleaning of the bathroom. WC, refrigerator (which must be emptied of food, defrosted and washed) and cooking utensils. The oven, grill and cooker must all be thoroughly cleaned. All furniture must be moved back to its original position. All breakages must be reported to the Accommodation Office before the hand-over date.