Start of the Academic Year

Arrival and Welcome Week

New students are advised to arrive in Oxford by the weekend before Welcome Week (5 and 6 October 2024), which runs in the week before Michaelmas (autumn/fall) term (trimester) starts. Students with college accommodation may request early arrival from 28 September 2024 onwards (subject to availability of your room).

Welcome Week is also called “0th” (pronounced noughth) week. The weeks of Full Term run from 1st week to 8th week. During 0th week new students will attend induction events in College and in their department/faculty. We expect all new students to be in Oxford by then, unless they have excemption from residency.

A timetable for College events during Welcome Week will be emailed to students at the end of September and will be available at the Porters Lodge upon arrival. The college timetable will cover social and informative events as well as details of the Welcome Dinners.

University Registration

New students must complete the New Student Registration and attend the College Welcome Evening and College Induction events.

New Student Registration in College

New Student Registration is a compulsory in-person individual session in College. Before attending, students must complete the first part of University Registration. The College will email all new students further details about college enrolment in early September. In person enrolment will start on 25 September 2024 (TBC) and will be available until the end of Welcome Week.

Student visa holders must bring their passport. It is a UK Border Agency requirement that the Academic Office team checks all student visas and keeps a copy of passport photo page for the University’s records

Please note – students from the European Union must bring their passport and provide an online code to verify their details

Once the New Student Registration has been completed, students can print their enrolment certificate which confirms their enrolment at the University of Oxford for the current academic year.

College Welcome Evening

All new students (including those returning to St Antony’s for a second degree or transferring from another College part-way through a degree) are required to attend one College Welcome Evening, which comprises:

  1. introductory talks from key College postholders and a welcome from the Warden (Head of the College)
  2. a formal Welcome Dinner (at no charge)

College Induction

College inductions will take place during the day on 9 October. You will be emailed your group closer to the time. These inductions last a few hours and comprise informal talks from the Academic Office, Head Porter, and Senior Tutor.

Online University Registration

This online registration must be completed each year by all students. This is compulsory in order for students to attend their course, use their University email account, obtain their University card/keep it valid and check that they have been entered correctly for examinations.

Please see the University’s Guide to registration for details of how to (re)register.

Note that in addition all new students must also attend the New Student Registration in College as the College is responsible for completing the registration process for new students.


Matriculation is the ceremony that marks a student’s formal admission to the University. Attendance is compulsory unless students are entitled to incorporate. Non-attendance is considered a serious matter.

As well as the ceremony itself, St Antony’s offers new students light refreshments on arrival, a group pre-ceremony photograph, and a free pre-ceremony drinks reception and finger buffet lunch – a detailed schedule will be emailed to all new students.

Visiting Students and students who have already matriculated for a previous degree at Oxford do not attend the matriculation ceremony but are welcome to attend the photograph and buffet lunch.

The main matriculation ceremony will be on Saturday 19 October 2024 TIME TBC. Students unable to matriculate on this day for reasons of religion or belief should notify the Academic Office so that they can be entered to matriculate at a later ceremony (usually Thursday of 8th week). 

Please note that the matriculation ceremony and other events on matriculation day are not open to members of the public or family members.

Dress code

Students must wear sub fusc with an advanced student’ gown and mortar board/soft cap. This should be hired or bought in advance. Admission to the ceremony will be denied if students are incorrectly attired.


Students who have already had a degree conferred by Cambridge or Trinity College Dublin can choose to incorporate instead of matriculate. However, such students are welcome to matriculate at Oxford, and this is usually the process that students follow. For further details please contact the Academic and Admissions Officer